Angst is OK


  • A Life without Anxiety and Panic
    Here you'll learn exactly how anxiety and panic work, why it bothers YOU so much and how you can deal with it.

1. How to stop Anxiety?

My name is Johan and I’m an expert in the field of anxiety and panic. Not because I studied for twenty years and work as a psychologist but because I experienced many types of anxiety for many years and some even decades. Think about:

  • Social anxiety (blushing);
  • Hypochondria;
  • Fear of heights;
  • Panic attacks;
  • Sleeping anxiety;
  • Tinnitus;
  • Dizziness;
  • Derealisation ( feeling like you are not in this world);
  • And many more.

Therefore, I can well imagine how you feel and what thoughts you have in anxious situations. Despite the laundry list of anxiety, I no longer suffer from this. I learned how anxiety works, where the symptoms come from and how to stop it. You can learn this too! And you don’t always need a psychologist or medication to do so.

Ready to get rid of your anxiety and panic once and for all?

Every anxiety is run by the same program. It’s like a computer program that starts in your mind the moment you experience anxiety. Your anxiety also starts this program in your mind. This program consists of specific thought patterns:

  1. What if…?
  2. Something will happen (disaster scenario)!
  3. Attention: The disaster scenario can’t come true whatever it takes.
  4. Resistance: You’ll do anything to prevent the disaster scenario from coming true.

It doesn’t matter if you have social anxiety, hypochondria, panic attacks or other forms of anxiety attacks. Every type of anxiety follows the above pattern. The only difference is the thoughts people have.

The funny thing about anxiety is that you actually don’t have to do anything to solve it. Anxiety, panic and even depressions exist because people resist thoughts, feelings, sensations and emotions. You are doing something with your anxiety and that’s the reason it returns again and again. You’re trying to:

  • Get rid of it;
  • Relative it;
  • Avoid it;
  • Stop it;
  • Etc.

What’s the best thing you can do? STOP trying to get rid of your anxiety and panic attacks! People with anxiety, panic and eventually depression end up in an endless stream of negative thoughts and accompanying feelings they don’t want. And what happens if you don’t want something? You start resisting. But you can’t resist thoughts or feelings, that only makes the complaints worse. Because that’s not how your brain works. More on this in chapter three.

Doing nothing is actually very hard for most people with anxiety because a disaster (your disaster scenario) is about to happen and must be prevented at any cost! The first realization you should have is that you’re not going to get rid of your anxiety but accept it. Once you accept the outcome of your disaster scenario, anxiety will disappear like snow in the sun.

The people with the biggest fears are the people that resist the most

Visually, anxiety, panic, and depressions look like this:

Cognitive thinking means you can think about what you feel and think. And that’s were anxiety, panic and depression always starts. Without thinking, anxiety and all other kinds of mental suffering can’t exist! Emotions, thoughts and feelings are not positive or negative. You make them positive or negative by thinking about it.

In most cases, you’ve experienced something before the anxiety program starts running. For example:

  • You feel a strange sensation in your body;
  • You have a certain feeling;
  • You have certain thoughts about an event that happened in the past or is about to happen.

As soon as you become aware of this, you start thinking about it with certain thoughts. The anxiety program starts. These thoughts always start with “What if” thoughts and from the “What if” thoughts a disaster scenario is made up. If the disaster scenario scares you enough you start giving it attention and start resisting. Creating even more “What if” thoughts and new disaster scenarios. Before you know it you’re stuck in an endless loop of negative thoughts and start resisting them. In other words, the anxiety program keeps running.

Below are a few personal examples I suffered from for many years and some even decades.

2. A heart attack, panic attacks and social axienty

At some point, I felt a sensation in my chest near my heart. Like someone was stabbing me in the chest. This immediately raised my attention and I start creating “What if” thoughts.

  • “What the hell is this..?”
  • “This isn’t good…”
  • What if there is something wrong with my heart!?”

Immediately I got stuck in the anxiety program. I was checking (resisting) those weird sensations in my chest all day. Checking if they were still there. Because I gave it so much attention, the stabbing sensation got worse. I also started sweating. Because I read somewhere (on the internet…) that you get pain in your arms when having a heart attack, I started focusing on my arms too. In the end, I had all symptoms of a heart attack:

  • Stabbing sensations in my chest;
  • Sweating;
  • Pain in my arms…

I was 100% convinced I would get a heart attack and drop dead! But nothing happened…

Because the stabbing feeling didn’t go away (because I was giving it too much attention), I asked my doctor what to do. My doctor gave me a heart rate monitor to measure my heartbeat for the next 24 hours. The results were examined by a cardiovascular specialist. There was nothing wrong with my heart.

I was driving myself crazy with “what if” thoughts and disaster scenarios of dropping dead. The sensations were really there and I really felt them. But only because I feared them, didn’t want them, and started resisting them.

In this case, the anxiety program stopped after I got the results from the cardiovascular specialist:

“I’m checked by someone who knows everything about cardiovascular problems so I’m ok”

Once I got the result, I never felt that sensation again. What really happened was:

  1. My “What if” thoughts were debunked by the specialist. I trust the result 100%;
  2. Because my “What if” thoughts were debunked, there was no disaster scenario anymore;
  3. Because the disaster scenario was gone, I couldn’t give it attention;
  4. And lastly, because I didn’t give any attention to the disaster scenario I had no reason to resist the sensations in my chest.

The anxiety program stopped running. I no longer had “What if..” thoughts and the sensations were gone. But other people who experience the same thing and get checked by the same specialist might not trust the results:

  • What if the specialist missed something…?”
  • “Is it really ok because I can still feel the sensation…”
  • What if I still get a heart attack…!?”

At that point, anxiety can take a nasty turn. Because when are you 100% certain that nothing is wrong or nothing will happen? Does 100% certainty even exist?

25+ years of social anxiety

In literally every social situation my face turned red:

  • During meetings;
  • At the checkout in the store;
  • In large groups of (un)known people;
  • When giving presentations;
  • In the train full of people;

Anything that had something to do with social interaction caused my face to turn red. But why did that keep happening? Because every time the anxiety program was running the same loop:

  • “I hope I don’t get a red face, I’m embarrassed”
  • “What will other people think of my red face..?”
  • “Don’t get a red face, don’t get a red face, don’t…”
  • What if I get a red face in situation X….?”

I was resisting my red face! I didn’t want it, it had to go, I despised it, it embarrassed me. But once I learned to think differently, my social anxiety disappeared in just two weeks’ time and I never had a red face again. Even though I suffered from my red face for over 25 years! How did I do this? Find out in chapter three.

Panic attacks

I also suffered from panic attacks. I never had panic attacks in my life until a life-changing event happened. With every panic attack, the anxiety program started:

  • What if I get a panic attack while driving..”?
  • What if I get a panic attack while trying to sleep…”?
  • What if I lose control?

Yet again I was resisting the awful feelings that arise when you get a panic attack. Creating all kinds of disaster scenarios and trying to prevent having a panic attack. Do you see the pattern?

  • I can’t have weird sensations in my chest because I might get a heart attack and die!
  • I can’t get a red face, what will other people think!?
  • I can’t get a panic attack because I lose control over my body and something will happen!

Resist, resist and resist. Trying to prevent the disaster scenario from happening. Whatever your disaster scenario is, you’re trying to resist it to prevent it from happing. But this is the main reason you suffer from axienty.

Without thinking, anxiety, panic and depression can’t exist!

You’re thinking about what you think and feel. Emotions, thoughts and feelings are not positive or negative. You make them positive or negative by thinking about it.

You can stop the anxiety program from running by challenging the disaster scenario or stopping the resistance. But to do this, you need to know how your mind works. Let’s find out in the final chapter!

3. How does your Mind work?

Now you know that only thoughts are 100% responsible for your anxiety and panic attacks. What can you do with your thoughts? And more importantly, what can’t you do with your thoughts? Maybe you’ve heard about the mental exercise with the pink elephant:

  • You’re not allowed to think in any way about a pink elephant for the next two minutes.

Chances are that you will think about a pink elephant. You can’t give your mind the instruction to not think about something and expect you won’t think about it. That’s not how your mind works. It actually increases the chance you will think about it. Because if you want to think about something or not, in both cases you’re thinking about it!

Words like “don’t”, “have to” and “not” are important for people with anxiety and depression. Not wanting something is a signal for your mind to start searching for a solution. People with anxiety, panic or depression often don’t want to feel or think about something. It has to go. It has to stop. But this only increases negative thoughts and feelings. What else can’t you do with thoughts and feelings without consequence:

  • Trying to stop them;
  • Ignore them;
  • Wishing them away;
  • Trying to get rid of them.

Once you try one of the above, you send a signal to your mind that something needs to be solved. There is danger. So your mind gives you all kinds of suggestions. In return, you get even more negative thoughts and feelings. But also realize that you can’t do the above with “positive” emotions either! What happens if you want to burst out in laughter but you’re making an exam and everyone else in the room is dead silent? You’ll probably get tears in your eyes and your face turns red. In the meantime, you have a hard time trying to hold in your laugh. You can’t hold back any emotion without consequence.

What can you do with thoughts, feelings and sensations:

  • Summon them;
  • Greet them;
  • Let them be;

Your mind can only do two things with thoughts:

Your mind can only add up or multiply thoughts. You can’t magically make thoughts disappear or stop. That’s not how your mind works.

The important difference is:

If you continue to give your mind the command to make something go away or ignore it, you continue adding up and multiplying thoughts! Simply because not wanting something always comes from thought. And what do you get when you add up or multiply something? Always more than you start with! So the only logical outcome is that you get more of the things (negative thoughts and feelings) you don’t want.

But if you consciously summon, greet or let thoughts and feelings be, it’s very hard for the mind to add up or multiply them. It’s impossible to consciously think about something 24/7. And you can test this yourself. When you wake up tomorrow, you only have one task:

  • You need to think of a pink elephant every second of the entire day.

I can already guarantee that you will fail. But it’s perfectly possible to think about something you don’t want 24/7. Because if you don’t want to think about or feel something, you’re adding up and multiplying thoughts. That’s the reason people can end up in depression. They don’t want all those negative thoughts and feelings so they keep thinking about it. 

So, what’s the solution? What happens when you’re in a meeting for 30 minutes and you constantly tell yourself you don’t want to get a red face when it’s your turn to speak? You start adding up and multiplying thoughts about not wanting a red face when it’s your turn. But what happens when you do want a red face when it’s your turn?

If you’re trying to prevent your disaster scenario from coming true, you’re only fighting against the fundamental working of your mind. It will never work. Your disaster scenario will only disappear when you’re OK if the disaster scenario comes true. In the case of a red face, letting the red face be. Let it do its thing.

The solution for my social anxiety about getting a red face (I suffered from for almost three decades!!) was deliberately trying to get a red face instead of preventing it. I told myself that everybody was allowed to see my red face. In fact, I wanted to get the reddest face possible! Did my face turn red? No, my face didn’t turn red when I wanted to! Actually, it’s impossible to get a red face when you really want a red face. You can test this at home:

  • Go to your bathroom and look in the mirror;
  • Tell yourself you want to get a red face by thinking about it. Make it as red as possible. Only use thoughts, don’t hold your breath.

It doesn’t matter if you suffer from social anxiety or not. Even if you get the reddest face in the entire world during social events, you will see it’s impossible to get a red face at home while looking in the mirror and deliberately summoning it.

The reason why this technique works is that your “What if..” thoughts and disaster scenarios don’t exist anymore. Instead of preventing the red face because something might happen (the disaster scenario), you now deliberately summon the red face and you don’t care about what happens. You don’t care if your disaster scenario comes true so the anxiety program stops running. And this works for any type of anxiety, panic or depression because they all start the same anxiety program.

Do you have panic attacks? Try to summon one. Make it the worst panic attack you ever had. I know that sounds scary, but it’s impossible to get a panic attack when you truly want one. The only reason you have panic attacks is because you are resisting your disaster scenario (whatever that scenario may be). 

The trick is to learn how to dismantle your disaster scenarios or how to stop your resistance. Without going against the fundamental working of your mind. Any therapy that is focusing on reducing your symptoms is useless. You can’t reduce symptoms or thoughts. Only add up and multiply. Only once you have accepted that the outcome of your disaster scenario can come true, only then your negative thoughts and anxiety complaints and even depression will completely go away. Always remember:

Without thinking, anxiety, panic and depression can’t exist!

And what happens when you accept something? You stop thinking about it! 

Did you learn something new about anxiety?

Then maybe my e-book can help you. You can see the above chapters as an introduction. In my e-book, I’ll go even more in-depth discussing many different techniques and variations, how your brain works, how medication works and many more. All based on the fundamental working of your mind.

  • 130 pages e-book (.pdf format);
  • 10 techniques + multiple variations;
  • Free updates (you get the new version of the book in your email);
  • Different assignments to help you figure out where it goes wrong in your case;
  • Clear step-by-step plan + goal;
  • Alternatives for medication;
  • How your diet may affect your anxiety + suggestions;
  • Money back guarantee;
  • Bonus 1: The Wim Hof Method;
  • Bonus 2: Ask me any question about your anxiety;

You can read reviews from real people who bought the book below.

P.s. some reviews might appear in another language (dutch).

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Reviews E-book: A life with Anxiety and Panic

Op weg geholpen


Het boek geeft me tools om de angst aan te pakken. Ik zou graag willen dat therapeuten aangeven met deze methode te werken.


Theorie en praktijk


Ik heb het boek gelezen en de videocursus bekeken. De uitleg vind ik helder en ook een eye-opener.

Maar het omzetten in de praktijk vind ik toch heel moeilijk. De intentie van ‘het is okee’ moet waarachtig zijn, maar hoe krijg je dit uitgelegd aan je brein. Maar zeker wel een aanrader, ik ga ermee verder zoeken. Gezien de andere reviews allemaal positief zijn moet het toch mogelijk zijn iets met mijn angst aan te vangen.


Persoonlijke benadering


Het boek en met name het persoonlijke hoofdstuk is zo gedetailleerd en duidelijk dat de boodschap ook echt binnenkomt. Ik sta nog aan het begin van het traject maar ben al ontzettend enthousiast door de aanpak. Kan alleen maar goedkomen!

Nadia Bendihaj

21 september 2024


Dit boek was voor mij een eyeopener. Ik begon ineens in te zien waar het bij mij fout ging en wat ik anders moet doen: accepteren in plaats van mij ertegen te verzetten.

Anja Hettinga

Leerzaam en verhelderend


Voor iedereen die te maken heeft met angsten of iemand in zn omgeving kent die hier last van heeft is dit boek aan te raden. Alles is zeer duidelijk omschreven en zeer verhelderend.


Can my E-book help you? Do the test

It’s important to me that you only buy my e-book if I think it’s going to help you. Of course, I don’t know your personal situation but I can give some guidelines to determine if you’re going to benefit from my e-book.

This e-book is right for you in the following cases:

  • You don’t know how anxiety works;
  • You’ve already tried several things but it doesn’t work;
  • You’re afraid or embarrassed to talk about it with someone (psychologist);
  • You want to solve it yourself first;
  • You know something about anxiety but lack details;
  • You don’t want to wait many months before seeing a psychologist;
  • You got new insights after reading all the information on this page;

When is this e-book less/not suitable:

  • If you already have a lot of knowledge about how anxiety works and haven’t learned anything new on this page;

I’m going to strongly discourage you from buying my e-book if you haven’t learned anything new at all about anxiety on this page. My e-book continues where the information on this page stops. If you haven’t gained any new insights you’re probably not going to get that from my e-book either.

You’re not at risk because if my e-book hasn’t helped you, you get your money back after six months without a hassle. Why six months? Because you need to practise the techniques for several months on a cosistent basis for them to work.  

You don’t have to be afraid that these methods won’t work for your specific anxiety. After all, anxiety works exactly the same in everyone. Everyone deals with their anxiety in their own way. Therefore, there is no standard solution to end your anxiety. This is why there are multiple techniques and variations available in my e-book. Often it’s a combination of different techniques that work best. 

My goal is not to persuade you to buy my e-book. My goal is to help you overcome and accept your anxiety! Therefore, only buy my e-book if the story on this page appealed to you and gave you new insights.

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